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ViHAT Global is one of messaging providers' solutions worldwide. We will allow the business to send messages to your customers and get message status callbacks.

Every message will pass a set of validations. For examples: Is the phone number valid? Is the balance enough to send? Is the credential still valid to perform request?

Message status

According to the type of channels, you can get the different types of statuses as below descriptions. SMS
Status Description
DELIVERD message is successfully delivered to the customer handset
UNDELIV message is unsuccessfully delivered to the customer handset by some reasons (low coverage, wrong number, etc…)
REJECTD message is rejected by our or our supplier by some reasons (invalid phone number format, blockage of sender id, etc…)
EXPIRED the server is unable to deliver the message in a specified amount of time. For instance, when the phone was turned off.
UNKNOWN unknown error occurred.
Chat apps Viber
Status Description
DELIVERED Viber client received the message from the Viber’s server.
SEEN The user opened Viber and entered the conversation with the specified message.
EXPIRED A message that was sent but was not able to get delivered to user with the time frame set by sender.

HTTP Methods

Each of channel has a different mechanism to send the message.

Send SMS message

1. The user's credential at 2. User's balance 3. Destination address
Field Required Description
apiKey (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
secretKey (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
phone (String) Yes The receiver’s phone number. The number must follow the format. Ex: To send the message to Vietnam. The number must be 84968501615
content (String) Yes The content will be delivered to the customer handset.
isUnicode (String) No Default: 0 (GSM7) If you send the message with another encoding or unicode charset. The value should be 1
originalSender (String) No The sender will be displayed at the screen of customer handset. If it is empty, the default sender will be used to deliver.

Sample request

    curl --location --request POST
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --data-raw '{
            "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
            "secretKey": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
            "phone": "84968501615",
            "content": "this is message test",
            "isUnicode": "0",
            "smsType": "8",
            "originalSender": "Facebook"
Error codes
Code Description
100 Request success
101 Unauthorize (wrong apiKey or secretKey value)
102 Account is blocked
103 Balance is insufficient
103 Destination not permitted
124 Request is processing

Sample response

        "CodeResult": "100",
        "CountRegenerate": 0,
        "SMSID": "28ea0ba1-8414-4b54-a812-7021086524e4132"
Callback status

You must register the callback URL to get the callback.

Post parameters
Parameter Description
phone (String) The customer phone number
reference_id (String) The message id at vihatglobal that was sent once your request was approved.
status (String) The status of message
err_code (String) The delivery error code, by default: It belongs to our partner response code.
delivery_time (String) The time message was delivered to handset in our timezone
total_price (Decimal) The currency set on your account
time_zone (String) The billing timezone
Sample callback

        "phone": "84968501615",
        "reference_id": "28d49817-f373-4dfa-886a-2cb1f79aa81c415",
        "status": "DELIVRD",
        "err_code": "000",
        "delivery_time": "12/3/2021 11:41:58 AM",
        "total_price": "0.0500000",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "time_zone": "GMT/UTC +7:00"

Send Voice OTP

1. The user's credential at 2. User's balance 3. Destination address
Field Required Description
api_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
secret_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
phone_number (String) Yes (if type equals 1) The receiver’s phone number. The number must follow the format. Ex: To send the message to Vietnam. The number must be 84968501615
code (String) Yes The OTP code will be delivered to the customer handset.
lang (String) Yes There are 3 types of supported languages : English (en), Khmer (kh)

Sample request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "code": "4567",
    "lang": "en",
    "phone_number": "855978226666",
    "secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
    "type": 1
Error codes
Code Description
SUCCESS = 100 Submit successfully
INVALID_CREDENTIAL = 101 Wrong api_key or secret_key
INSUFFICENT_BALANCE = 102 Insufficient Balance
BLOCKAGE_USER = 103 Account is blocked
BAD_BODY_REQUEST = 104 Invalid parameters
EQUEST_IS_PROCESSING = 105 Request is processing
INVALID_DESTINATION = 106 Invalid destination
PRICE_NOT_CONFIG = 107 Price is not configured
NOT_SUPPORTED = 109 Not supported
PRICE_VALIDATE_FALSE = 201 Validate price false
UNKNOWN_ERROR = 108 Server error, normally Vihat Global side.

Sample response

        "reference_id": "ee1195c8a1df403a980129cd723be4d8",
        "status_code": 100

Send Voice Using File

1. The user's credential at 2. User's balance 3. Destination address 4. File length
Field Required Description
api_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
secret_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
phone_number (String) Yes The receiver’s phone number. The number must follow the format. Ex: To send the message to Vietnam. The number must be 84968501615.
type (String) Yes Using value equals 2 to make the voice with recording file.
template_id (String) Yes The template given when uploading the file to VHG system.

Sample request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "phone_number": "855968226666",
        "secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
        "type": 2,
Error codes
Code Description
SUCCESS = 100 Submit successfully
INVALID_CREDENTIAL = 101 Wrong api_key or secret_key
INSUFFICENT_BALANCE = 102 Insufficient Balance
BLOCKAGE_USER = 103 Account is blocked
BAD_BODY_REQUEST = 104 Invalid parameters
EQUEST_IS_PROCESSING = 105 Request is processing
INVALID_DESTINATION = 106 Invalid destination
PRICE_NOT_CONFIG = 107 Price is not configured
NOT_SUPPORTED = 109 Not supported
PRICE_VALIDATE_FALSE = 201 Validate price false
UNKNOWN_ERROR = 108 Server error, normally Vihat Global side.

Sample response

        "reference_id": "ee1195c8a1df403a980129cd723be4d8",
        "status_code": 100

Upload File

1. The user's credential at 2. File length 3. File extensions
Field Required Description
api_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
secret_key (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
file (String) Yes File to upload to the system

Sample request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --form 'api_key="YOUR_API_KEY"' \
    --form 'secret_key="YOUR_SECRET_KEY"' \
    --form 'file=@"PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE"'
Error codes
Code Description
REQ_OK = 100 Submit successfully
REQ_UNAUTH = 101 Wrong api_key or secret_key
NOT_SUPPORTED = 201 Not supported (File should be covered in *.mp3)
EXCEED_FILE_SIZED = 202 Max file length is 5MB
REQUEST_ERROR = 203 Request error
UNKNOWN_ERROR = 108 Server error, normally Vihat Global side.

Sample response

        "status_code": 100,
        "err_message": "",
        "payload": {
        "templateId": "b7856e7a687347bf86793329206356004024"

Send Chatapps message

Validations 1. The sender id 2. The validity of desination 3. Max text length (1000 UTF-8 characters) 4. Max button caption length (30 UTF-8 characters) 5. Balance check for sending message 6. Maximum a button
Field Required Description
apiKey (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
secretKey (String) Yes The key provided once the account was activated at Find it at
phone_number (String) Yes The receiver’s phone number. The number must follow the format. Ex: To send the message to Vietnam. The number must be 84968501615
channel_type (Number) Yes Each channel will have a specified type. Viber: 16
body (Object) Yes The jason data that include the message content based on body_type
Body types
Type Description
Text Only


        "body_type": 4,

        "text": "test message"

Text + Button

        "body_type": 2,
        "text": "test message",
        "buttons": [
                "caption": "Click me",
                "action": "YOUR_ACTION_URL"
Image Only

        "body_type": 3,
        "image": "YOUR_IMG_URL"
Text + Image + Button

        "body_type": 1,
        "text": "test message",
        "image": "YOUR_IMG_URL",
        "buttons": [
                "caption": "Click me",
                "action": "YOUR_ACTION_URL"

Sample request

    curl --location --request POST
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --data-raw '{
            "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
            "secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
            "sender": "BNTEST",
            "phone_number": "84968501615",
            "channel_type": 16,
            "body": {
            "body_type": 1,
            "text": "test 1",
            "image": "",
            "buttons": [
                    "caption": "Click me",
                    "action": ""
Field Description
code_result See the code result for details
message_id Message id used to trace the message status
error_message The error message describes the response of server based on code_result

Sample response

        "code_result": 100,
        "message_id": "863e431e-30b6-4f71-a5dd-e4a4f2a5dd31227",
Callback status

Each sender has a callback URL, it is optional once registering the sender. Its status (DELIVERED, SEEN, EXPIRED) will be sent to the URL per message id.

Callback status post parameters
Parameter Description
status (String) The status of message
message_id (String) Message id used to trace the message status
time (String) Time of the status sent by Viber
phone_number (String) The destination number
channel (String) The channel the message was sent
time_zone (String) The billing time zone

Sample response

        "status": "SEEN",
        "message_id": "fa77f63d-4eb8-47d0-81c2-0cf436c83b46281",
        "time": "2021-12-15T13:55:03.953",
        "phone_number": "84968501615",
        "channel": "Viber",
        "time_zone": "GMT/UTC +7"

Two-way message

For the 2way message, we will send to the URL per sender with the user's replies

Message replies callback post parameters
Parameter Description
message (Object) The message object replied by the user, Excamples

    "message": {
        "text": null, // message text replied by user
        "media": "MEDIA_URL", //media url stored at Viber
        "file_name": "VID_20201227_121221.mp4" // media file name

message_id (String) Message id used to trace the message status
time (String) Time of the status sent by Viber
phone_number (String) The destination number
channel (String) The channel the message was sent
time_zone (String) The billing time zone

Sample response

        "message": {
            "text": null,
            "media": "",
            "file_name": "VID_20201227_121221.mp4"
        "message_id": "204c7ca1-0e7a-460f-bc1f-e2b9b95bfbd2596",
        "time": "2021-12-15T09:12:53",
        "phone_number": "+84986788704",
        "channel": "Viber",
        "time_zone": "GMT/UTC +7"

Code reference
Code Description
SUB_OK = 100 Submit successfully
AUTH_FAILED = 101 Wrong api_key or secret_key
INVMSG_TYPE = 102 Invalid message type
INVDST_ADDR = 103 Invalid destination address
INSUFF_BALNC = 104 Insufficient Balance
INVREQ_BODY = 105 Invalid request body
INVSRC_ADDR = 106 Cost is not configured for the destination
DEST_NOT_PERMITTD = 108 Destination is not permitted to send
REQ_PROCSSING = 111 Request is processing
USR_INACT_OTT = 112 User credential is not allowed to send message through chat apps
SERVR_ERR = 99 Server error, normally Vihat Global side.


For huge volume SMS traffic, we prefer to use SMPP connection for sending message.
SMPP - Connection

Below are the connection details required to connect:

Setting Value
IP address
Port 7889 , 7888
System ID Your API KEY
Password Your Secret KEY
Username & Password

Your username and password will be provided once you register the account at Vihat global site. If you observe any issue in connecting process, please contact us at here.


You can connect to Vihat Global SMPP servers using bind_receiver and bind_transmitter or bind_transceiver.

For relaying DLR back to your platform, Vihat Global servers will send back deliver_sm to any bind connected with the same systemId of the originating submit_sm PDU. This includes if you are sending from multiple sites; we will send to any active bind.


Throughput is tailored to each customer’s requirement during our onboarding process. In most cases for each bind connected to Vihat Global SMPP servers, you will be able to submit a maximum of 30 messages per second. You can check with your account manager about specific requirements.


The following PDUs are supported by Vihat Global SMPP servers:

  • bind_receiver
  • bind_transmitter
  • bind_transceiver
  • submit_sm
  • enquire_link
  • deliver_sm_resp
  • unbind
SMPP - Delivery receipt

Vihat Global sends delivery report information in the short_message field of a deliver_sm PDU.

The following format should be expected:

    id:12345678 sub:000 dlvrd:001 submit date:2112310215 done date:2112310215 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:this is text


  • stat: status of message
  • err: error code for message

Message states

The following message states can be found in a delivery report:

SMPP - Data codings

When sending the message to Vihat Global SMPP platform, you must set the correct data encoding values.

  • We treat DCS 0 and DCS 3 as default GSM 7 encoding
  • Use DCS 8 for Unicode characters